Part L & SAP calculations

What are SAP calculations?

SAP calculations (Standard Assessment Procedure – sometimes referred to as SAP ratings) are a measure of the energy use and carbon emissions of new dwellings. They are a government-defined process in accordance with Part L of the Building Regulations.

Why must I have a SAP calculation?

All new-build residential dwellings require a SAP calculation to demonstrate compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. When submitting plans Building Control will ask the architect or developer for a SAP calculation at both Design Stage,before any work begins on site, and on completion of the build. If you cannot provide one, your building project will not be able to progress.

Why use Energy Saving Experts?

Our experienced team can guide you through the SAP process quickly and easily. We provide a two-stage service at Design and ‘As Built’ stages, all at one price, with no hidden extras. Our fast-track service will quickly provide you with the SAP (comprising both U Value Calculations – which is available as a separate service too- and Thermal Bridging Calculations) and convey any compliance issues to you.  If there are any problems, we’ll work closely with you, using our experience to offer information and design advice to achieve a positive SAP result. To make the process simpler for you we provide a SAP Checklists so that you can provide us with all the information we need in one go, saving you time and money.